
The Museum celebrates its opening

After a year of work and the creation of its new augmented reality tour, the MHAB opens its doors!
The HistoPad characters and the MHAB team will be there on Saturday, October 22 for the inauguration of the MHAB.
On the program, more than 15 historical episodes reconstituted, a temporary exhibition dedicated to the creator of the Museum Emmanuel Charles BENEZIT and an aerial dance show led by the company “RĂŞverie Danse Verticale” to celebrate the renewal of the museum of Bormes-les-Mimosas!
Openings from 10am to 7pm !
Vertical Dance show at 11am and 4pm for people who have reserved their visit to the MHAB.
You can now book to enjoy an exceptional day.
đź“ŤReservations and information on https://billetterie.musee-bormes.com/en

The MHAB celebrates its opening