Histovery invents the Augmented Tour and revolutionizes cultural mediation with the HistoPad, a touch tablet that uses augmented reality to travel through time and offer immersive experiences in museums, monuments and exhibitions. The start-up produces content validated by scientific committees, carries out the IT development, installation and evolutionary maintenance of the equipment and provides statistical data.
Created in 2013, the HistoPad helps develop attendance by attracting new audiences and building loyalty. This unique, award-winning solution is now deployed in nearly 20 museums and monuments in Europe, including the Château de Chambord, the Palais des Papes in Avignon, the Conciergerie in Paris and the Château de Moritzburg in Germany. The HistoPad is used by more than 2 million visitors per year.

Departmental Museum of the Var
In its naturalist exhibition windows, the MHAB presents some of the natural species existing on its territory. This exhibition is partly made possible thanks to the loans of some specimens by the Muséum départemental du Var.
The departmental museum of the Var presents natural history collections drawn from the rich biodiversity and geodiversity of the Var.
Through an approach of conservation and valorisation of scientific objects of our heritage, the departmental museum makes the public aware of the discovery of its environment, of the mechanisms of the living, and of the history of sciences.
Accessible to all free of charge, the Museum offers two temporary exhibitions per year and a scientific and cultural program for young and old.

Museum of geology of Collobrières
In its naturalist showcases, the MHAB presents some species of minerals present on its territory. This exhibition is partly made possible thanks to the loans of some specimens by the Geology Museum of Collobrières.
Inaugurated in its current location in May 2019, the Collobrières Geological Museum is exclusively dedicated to the rocks, minerals, fossils and mining past of the Var territory.
The very rich geology of the department is illustrated with a large relief map and numerous rock samples.
Concerning mineralogy, a collection of more than 500 pieces showing the main minerals and deposits of the Var is exposed in six large showcases.
The mining past is evoked by documents, maps and tools of the period as well as by ore samples.
Finally, for paleontology, many fossils from the Carboniferous for the oldest to the Eocene for the most recent are exposed in four showcases.
Many panels and educational texts accompany all these presentations.
The museum belongs to the commune and is managed by the Association Géologie Minéralogie des Maures (AMGM). The entrance is free. It is open every day during the summer and every weekend in June, October and November.