All summer long, passers-by could admire 18 works from the MHAB collection and some of the most beautiful landscapes of Bormes les Mimosas, exposed in the open air.
Type d’actualité: Museum out of the walls
Ceremony of August 17, 2022
On the occasion of the 78th ceremony of the Liberation of Bormes, the MHAB presented a preview of the D-Day station and broadcast the testimonies collected from two of the 180 Lavandour residents taken hostage on August 16, 1944.
The two stations, to be discovered at the reopening on October 22, 2022, were made from archival images kept by the Historical Service of Defense (France) and the archives of the San Diego Air and Space Museum (USA). They allowed us to reconstruct, hour by hour, the landing of the African commandos off Cape Negro.
For the first time, this episode, as well as the fighting at the Gratteloup Pass, will be presented at the Bormes Museum.
Many visitors came to discover this decisive episode of the liberation of the country.